::Money Making::


Monday, February 13, 2006

"Are We There Yet ?" (Or, How to measure your site's success.)


If you are a parent, you are certain to recognize this plaintive cry from the back seat. Today, however, we are more interested in measuring our progress with our online business.

If you are a webmaster or business owner online, How do

we know how far we have come? Are we succeeding with our plan ? What are some simple ways we may want

to implement to measure and determine the answer to that

familiar question, "Are we there yet ?"

Before you can answer that question you must have a goal,

a plan, an objective toward which you are headed. Depending

on the goal, here are 5 simple ways to measure your progress

on the internet.

1) Hit Counters--probably the most used method of determining

the "success" of a site.

There are many free hit counters available. Here are a few sites

that offer them:




All the way up from simple counting your visitors until tracking the

keywords they use to find you.

2)Customer Surveys can give you a lot of great feedback about how

your site is viewed by your visitors and potential customers.

Here are some possible site choices to create your own surveys:




3) Testimonials...they can't be bought, but they are worth their

weight in gold to the potential buyer who is wavering. The one

who needs someone else to verify that your business is really

credible and that you can be trusted to deliver as promised.

I suggest that you use a form to make it simple and easy for

visitors to your site to give you feedback about their visit.

Hopefully it will be positive...something to share with others.

Constructive criticism can be helpful too in order to improve

your site.

4) Sales. Well, what more can be said about this. The bottom

line is here for most. How much are we selling online? Are we

growing each month, year ?

5) For MLM type groups there is always the simple measurement

of the number in your downline. The more the better it seems.

For those interested in the overall, changing picture of

the internet. I refer you to:


You need a yardstick. The type of yardstick depends on

what it is your wanting to measure. Whatever it is, there

are resources online to help with your measurements.

One of them is certain to answer the question that is on

everyone's mind, "Are we there yet?"

Best of luck in your online efforts !

Larry Johnson, Author

(C) 2002, All Rights Reserved.

Article may be reprinted with permission by including the following resource box:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Larry is the editor of BIZ SITE BIZ E-ZINE, a Free weekly business promotion newsletter full of timely tips, original "How-To" articles, resources, quotes and humor. http://www.BizSiteBiz.com/ Come on down and join us as we discover better ways to market and promote on the internet !





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